RO-RO shipping from China for cargo delivery, cargo delivery shipping agent from China.
Ro-Ro ships are widely used in the international shipping for the goods with wheels for the international shipping. There's a new type of shipping solution for ro-ro ships is called the Mafi. The Mafi trailer transport is a better transportation solution for the large-scale equipment. With the promise of the high quality transportation characteristics for the ro-ro ship transportation, the mafi trailer is able to solve the problem of over weight and over length cargo. For the long distence international shipping transportation, the roro ships with mafi trailer is the best solution to protect the goods in a good condition.
The ro-ro ships is have a stable shipping lines which is able to keep the goods arrive in time.
The Mafi trailer is the best solution for large-scale goods which need to be protected.
Ro-Ro ships doesn‘t need the assist of the port cranes or ship cranes which makes the loading and unloading more efficient.
1. I have an amount of wheel loaders need to be transported, do you have an suggestion for the delivery?
For the wheel loaders delivery, we need to know it's outer size and payload. Normally the wheel loaders is able to be transported by the containers, but you need to set them up yourself when you received the goods. Of course that if you want it delivered completely, bulk cargo ships and ro-ro ships are also the solutions. Ro-Ro ships protects the goods better.
2. How do we know that if we can deliver our cargos by ro-ro ships?
Please send us the dimension and the self weight of the cargo together with the H.S. code, we will check about the cargo and reply to you.
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