RORO shipping

    RO-RO shipping is same to ro-on ro-off shipping also we call it the ferry. Which means this is a transportation solutions for those product which has the engine that can drive itself to the ship and off of the ship. Of course if there are no engine but have tire, it can be driven to the ship with the tractors. The RO-RO ships have its self advantages, it's the best shipping solution to protect the cargos that we transport. 

    Ro-Ro ship transportation, it doesn't need the lifting equipment on the ship and the shore, even if the port equipment conditions are very poor, the Ro-Ro ship can also efficiently load and unload the Ro-Ro ship and it is better than the container ship, it is not required on the dock. Heavy equipment does not require large-scale renovation, expansion of docks, and addition of loading and unloading equipment.
